About Me

I'm here to build on Bitcoin and chew bubblegum...
And I'm all out of bubblegum

I am Math Student at the University of Waterloo who has worked in various internship roles including full stack development and data engineering. I specialize in frontend web development and am very passionate and curious about scaling the Bitcoin Protocol into a new economic frontier through building applications that will bridge it and the everyday person together.


  • Languages
  • HTML/CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Solidity, Java, C#, SQL

  • Frameworks
  • React/Redux, Express.js, Node.js, Spring Boot, ASP.NET

  • Utilities
  • Git, MongoDB, MSSQL, Hardhat, Ethers.js, Truffle, Web3.js, Puppeteer


Nuvalence | Software Engineer

March 2022 - Present

Working as a frontend web developer specializing in React and responsive web design

eState Planner | Software Engineer

May 2020 - August 2020

Worked on the will drafting software in C# and created an internal BI dashboard using PowerBI and MSSQL

ADP | Full Stack Developer

September 2019 - December 2019

Worked on ADP's Work Force Now (WFN) team developing with React on the frontend, and Java with SpringBoot on the backend

Kenna | SQL Developer

January 2019 - April 2019

Worked on the Business Intelligence team aggregating data using SQL, and used Tableau for data visualization

DOZR | Data Engineer

May 2018 - August 2018

Created data pipelines and models using JavaScript, Node.js, and MongoDB




An opensource lightning browser extension the connects to different wallet interfaces and aims to bring lightning integration to the web. Think MetaMask... but with lightning

Liquidity Pool

This was a DEX where a simple liquidity pool smart contract was made using Solidity. Frontend implemented using React, and Ethers.js for interacting with smart contract ABIs

Lightning Integrated Platform

Currently in progress. A platform for making posts and rewarding posts with satoshis to learn about integrating lightning into applications

Personal Website

Need I explain more?

Contact Me

I'm around in a few places...